A collection of small JavaScript utilities by Will Stone.

Library Rules


Prefix Condition
check Returns a boolean
generate Returns new data
to Returns coerced input
Functions that do not return a value do not have a prefix.

This allows for comfortable variable naming without clashes, for example:

const isUnique = checkUnique([1, 2, 3])


npm i tings

checkUnique Array

Determines if an array only contains unique items. Will return true for any input that’s not an array.

import { checkUnique } from 'tings'

checkUnique([1, 2, 3]) // true
checkUnique([1, 1, 2]) // false
checkUnique('not array') // true

Source: check-unique.ts

generateIntegers Array

Generate an array of integers from a given number to another.

import { generateIntegers } from 'tings'

generateIntegers(1, 6) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
generateIntegers("abc", 6) // [] - at least one input is not a number

Source: generate-integers.ts

checkDate Date

Determines if input is a valid Date.

import { checkDate } from 'tings'

checkDate(new Date()) // true
checkDate("not a date") // false

Source: check-date.ts

checkBrowser Environment

Determines if current code is running in a browser environment.

import { checkBrowser } from 'tings'

checkBrowser() // true

Source: check-browser.ts

sleep Misc

Pauses the current function.

import { sleep } from 'tings'

await sleep(2000) // sleeps for 2 seconds
await sleep("abc") // sleeps for 0 seconds as input is not a number

Source: sleep.ts

checkEven Number

Determines if input is an even integer.

import { checkEven } from 'tings'

checkEven(-4)   // true
checkEven(-1)   // false
checkEven(0)    // true
checkEven(1)    // false
checkEven(2)    // true
checkEven(5)    // false
checkEven(9)    // false
checkEven(3.14) // false

Source: check-even.ts

checkOdd Number

Determines if input is an odd integer.

import { checkOdd } from 'tings'

checkOdd(-4)   // false
checkOdd(-1)   // true
checkOdd(0)    // false
checkOdd(1)    // true
checkOdd(2)    // false
checkOdd(5)    // true
checkOdd(9)    // true
checkOdd(3.14) // false

Source: check-odd.ts

checkPrime Number

Determines if input is a prime number.

import { checkPrime } from 'tings'

checkPrime(0)    // false
checkPrime(1)    // false
checkPrime(2)    // true
checkPrime(5)    // true
checkPrime(9)    // false
checkPrime(3.14) // false

Source: check-prime.ts

toNumber Number

Will return the given input as a number, if it cannot be converted, it will return 0.

import { toNumber } from 'tings'

toNumber('this is text') // 0
toNumber('3') // 3
toNumber(0.4) // 0.4
toNumber(new Set([])) // 0

Source: to-number.ts

toOrdinal Number

Converts a number to its ordinal string form, if possible, else returns 0th.

import { toOrdinal } from 'tings'

toOrdinal('this is text') // 0th
toOrdinal('3') // 3rd
toOrdinal('11') // 11th
toOrdinal(3.14) // 3.14th

Source: to-ordinal.ts

checkCompactCase String

Determines if input is a string that does not contain white-spaces.

import { checkCompactCase } from 'tings'

checkCompactCase('thisiscompact') // true
checkCompactCase('this is not compact') // false
checkCompactCase(123) // false - input is not a string

Source: check-compact-case.ts

checkLowerCase String

Determines if input is a string containing no UPPERcase characters.

import { checkLowerCase } from 'tings'

checkLowerCase('this is lower') // true
checkLowerCase('This is not LOWER') // false
checkLowerCase(123) // false - input is not a string

Source: check-lower-case.ts

checkUrlAbsolute String

Determines if a URL string is absolute by seeing if it starts with a protocol. Will return false for any input that’s not a string.

import { checkUrlAbsolute } from 'tings'

checkUrlAbsolute("http://example.com/page") // true
checkUrlAbsolute("/page") // false
checkUrlAbsolute(123) // false - input is not a string

Source: check-url-absolute.ts

toCompactCase String

Removes all whitespace characters from a string.

import { toCompactCase } from 'tings'

toCompactCase('this is text') // thisistext
toCompactCase('someTEXT') // someTEXT

Source: to-compact-case.ts

toLetters String

Removes all non-alphabetical characters from a string.

import { toLetters } from 'tings'

toLetters('this is text') // thisistext
toLetters('123-Text!!!') // Text

Source: to-letters.ts
